Most customers demand carry bags. Giving shipped products in a carry bag is an effective strategy to make your customers happy. Also cotton bags are very useful. They can be reused for any purposes. This is why selecting cotton material to make your carry bags is a great idea. Another amazing fact about such cotton bags is these bags are very environment-friendly so while giving your customers such bags you are building your image as a well responsible seller. But now the question is how you could design such bags? Printed cotton bags look amazing if you could design it properly. This article guides you to design your cotton bags to grow your business
Print both sides
Don’t print the one side of a bag. Print both sides of the bag so that it could look the same no matter how one carries it. Give the same design while printing to both sides. It gives the bag a versatile flavour. You could use a picture, a quote or a stripe but make sure both sides get the same print.
Choose bright colours
While designing your bag give preference to the bright colours as it can grab the attention of customers easily. Also no matter what you print on the bag it could be amazingly reflected if you use bright colours like yellow, purple or green.
Use meaningful phrases
This has become a trend now. There are meaningful intellectual quotes that you can print on your carry bags. This would convey a strong message to your buyers. Also it would indirectly promote your business by creating a reputed image of your business’ brand to your buyers. Like if you are selling cakes, show your creativity by adding funny, meaningful quotes about cakes.
Use relevant pictures
There is another way to design your bag. Use meaningful pictures that have some certain connection with your business. This will automatically grab your customers’ attention. Also would be a reflection of your products. Such as, if you are selling garments try to design the carry bags by printing colourful pictures of such garments.
Make it simple
The last but not the least point to be remembered is that just make it simple. As we all know simplicity stands for sophistication so let your customers know the sophisticated taste of the seller.
All the above discussed methods one could consider while designing their cotton bags. Also, ensure using proper cotton material. As other materials are not that environment-friendly like cotton and will cost you more.