Author: Kristen Halleyqwer

Kristen is the editor at Happy Ideas, covering news and stories on beauty, fashion and human wellness. She loves cooking for her children in free time.

Band t-shirts are interesting for the way in which they permanently traverse that very line between cliché-tat and timeless-chic. Get it right and you’re looking at a shirt that’s guaranteed to stand the tests of time and become iconic even with those that have never heard a single word of…

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There are few indulgences in life more gratifying than spare time and a soft touch. To be relaxed and caressed is the ultimate luxury for women. Why not, then, plan a pamper party, to treat a group of friends or colleagues to a day of relaxation without any added party…

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So your child is 17 or 18 and looking at places to go to university. They might be looking to move as far away from home as possible and the whole thing can get a bit stressful. If they have part time work in teen modelling they may be looking…

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